Sunday, March 25, 2012

Before You Decide on Cancer Treatment, You Must Listen to This

A diagnosis of cancer can be one of the scariest turning points in a person's life.  There are many highly effective natural treatment methods that can support the body through cancer treatment:  strengthening the immune system, preventing the spread of cancer, and minimizing side effects from conventional therapies.

There are a lot of folks out there in the "alternative" health field who would take advantage of the fear and confusion that comes with a cancer diagnosis.  Before making any decisions, you owe it to yourself or your loved one to listen to this interview with naturopathic cancer specialist Tina Kaczor, ND, FABNO:

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Are You Missing this Key for Alzheimer's Prevention?

Previous research indicated there may be a link between vitamin D and reduced risk of Alzheimer's disease.  Now scientists have clarified the mode of action:  vitamin D3 (the active form) activates certain genes responsible for cleaning up amyloid-beta protein.  This protein is the main ingredient of the plaques in brain cells that are believed to cause Alzheimer's disease.

Yet another great reason to find out:  are you among the two-thirds of Americans with insufficient vitamin D?  Time to get your blood levels of 25-hydroxyvitamin D checked.  Maybe this new research will motivate you, if you've managed to ignore the benefits of vitamin D in preventing osteoporosis, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, seasonal affective disorder, autoimmune diseases, etc., etc....

Vitamin D And Alzheimer's: Study Shows How The Nutrient Can Help The Brain Ward Off Amyloid Plaques

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Hold the Diet Soda till You Read This...

Anyone who follows good nutrition knows that soft drinks are one of the biggest sources of empty calories for Americans -- a big contributor to our expanding national waistline.  To avoid this, many reach for diet pop instead.  Last year, new scientific research confirmed that drinking diet soda does not protect against mid-life weight gain.  This is significant, since those extra pounds make us more vulnerable to developing chronic degenerative diseases like diabetes and heart disease.

More shockingly, new research just published in the Journal of General Internal Medicine shows that daily diet soda drinkers actually have a 44% increased risk of heart attack or stroke.  Read that again.  A 44% higher risk of heart attack or stroke, even after taking other risk factors (cholesterol, metabolic syndrome, etc.) out of the equation.  Just from daily diet soda consumption.  

The soft drink industry would like to downplay these research studies, since diet soda should "theoretically" be healthier than regular soda.  Clearly, the science proves just the opposite:  diet soda is far from a health food.  Should you switch back to regular soda?  Of course not -- the extra calories and high-fructose corn syrup are a sure recipe for obesity and metabolic syndrome.

What's the answer?  The counter-cultural choice of beverages:  how about water or green tea?  Many people object that they don't like the taste, but really, it's just a matter of getting accustomed to it.  By gradually shifting more servings of beverage each day over to water or green tea, your taste buds will adapt.  And -- in a very real sense -- it might just save your life.